Hi my name is Max Frank. I love to play basketball, rock climbing, bike ride, Swimming, fishing, and boating. I am a overall good student in school. I am very good at coding and math. I play a lot of basketball, I am on 3 basketball teams. I have a loccal basketball team, a travel team, and an All Star Team. The All Star Team is a very good team because we have the 4th best basketball player in the nation on my team. Also, on this team we play at Rucker Park an if we make it into the finals we will be on ESPN. On my local basketball team we have a really good team because our coach is awesome. Next, my Thunder team is pretty good, it is a travel team and we play a lot of really good teams and some reall bad teams. When I rock climb I get offered to be on the rock climbing team because they thought I was very good. Next, when I ride my bike I teach myself how to do tricks and now I can do a lot of tricks. I am also very good at drawing. Exspecialy when I copy pictures. So these are just a few things that i do in my life.